Health & Wellbeing
A personal journey with Chiari Malformation has led me to understand in depth, the struggle it is to navigate a complex medical system when you’re suffering with an ongoing condition. Whatever your health challenge, these resources are researched and developed to help you on the journey. Aiming for better communication between doctor and patient, a system to monitor and record what happens along the way, and support and coaching if you need it.
Health Appointment Planner (FREE)
This printable one page will help you take some time before an appointment, to figure out what you need from your health professional, and to record any information that happens in the appointment.
Health Diary Page (FREE)
A printable document to record your condition and symptoms, to make it easy to share with professionals, and track your own progress.
This has been really helpful for tracking my own symptoms, so I can go to the
Navigating your health - ($249)
This is not a health and wellness course. This self paced course that will give you tools for managing your health journey with your medical professionals, including printable resources, interviews with health professionals, and 1 hour of personal coaching.
Better communication between you and your health professionals
Clarity on your goals, what you want out of your appointments
Managing expectations and fears
Please note, there is no intention to give medical advice in any of these offerings, and Comms Nerd will not be held liable for XXX. All Comms Nerd Medical TM resources are designed to support a group or individual who may be going through a medical process.